Sunday, February 7, 2016

Wonder How Virginia Governor Will Feel Without His Security Detail?

Virginia Governor Refuses to Recognize Concealed Carry Permits – How State Legislators Are Responding is Perfect


January 3rd, 2016
There’s an old saying: What’s good for the goose is good for the gander. Now a Democratic governor may find out if that’s truly the case.
Virginia Governor Terry McAuliffe has long hated guns, and recently his attorney general decided to stop recognizing concealed carry permits for millions of law-abiding Virginians.
Many Second Amendment supporters were outraged, and now Republicans in his state are considering defunding his security detail so he won’t have to be around those “scary” guns anymore.
Here’s the report from the Daily Caller:
“Virginia Republicans returned fire over the state Democrat Attorney General Mark Herring’s move to halt recognition of concealed carry permits from 25 different states.
‘Our General Assembly has already identified who can and cannot conceal handguns in Virginia, and we cannot have that decision undermined by recognizing permits from other states with more permissive standards,’ Herring said when he made the announcement last week.
“Republican state legislators could strip Virginia Democrat Governor Terry McAuliffe of his protective detail. Virginia Sen. Bill Carrico told The Herald Courier last Tuesday he plans to propose a budget amendment during the State Senate’s January session that would defund the governor’s protective detail. 
“‘A lot of the governor’s power is deferred to the General Assembly at that point and I’ll be getting with my colleagues to circumvent everything this governor has done on this point,‘ Carrico said. ‘I have a budget amendment that I’m looking at to take away his executive protection unit. If he’s so afraid of guns, then I’m not going to surround him with armed state policemen.'”
This is a brilliant political move by Senator Carrico to make a common-sense point: If guns are bad for law-abiding citizens to have, then they’re equally bad to be protected by policemen with guns.
Do you think this proposed amendment was a good move on Senator Carrico’s part?

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