Thursday, February 18, 2016

Would Dems Not Have Hillary On Illinois Ballot? Would They Let That Happen?

Hillary Gets Stunning News About Illinois Ballots That Could Cost Her the Race


February 14th, 2016
Democratic front-runner Hillary Clinton may not be eligible to appear on Illinois’ primary election ballot, at least according to a petition filed with state officials Wednesday by an anti-Hillary political action committee.
The petition filed by the Stop Hillary PAC contended that thousands of the signatures submitted by Hillary Clinton’s campaign to get her name on the state’s primary ballot were ineligible, therefore dropping Hillary’s valid signature total beneath the 3,000 minimum required.
According to the Washington Free Beacon, the petition was filed with the Illinois State Board of Elections by Chicago resident Brant Davis just before the deadline for such a challenge to be presented.
Here’s a statement from Dan Backer, head of the Stop Hillary PAC:
“Hillary Clinton violated rules that even Rod Blagojevich followed. The sheer numbeer of defective registrants is a typical bit of Clinton sloppiness and their usual lack of respect for the law.”
Rod Blagojevich is a corrupt Chicago politician who went to jail years ago for attempting to sell Barack Obama’s former Senate seat, among other things.
Using teams of volunteers, the group painstakingly reviewed more than 500 pages of ballot access signatures provided by Hillary Clinton’s campaign, cross-referencing them with voter registration files and other public records.

The Stop Hillary PAC claimed that some of the signatures submitted by Hillary were from unregistered voters, contained incorrect or incomplete addresses, featured illegible writing, were duplicate signatures from the same people, or weren’t properly notarized.
The Illinois State Board of Elections maintains some of the most stringent election regulations and has been known to remove candidates from ballots if they were facing challenges to their eligibility. However, we wouldn’t be surprised if there was some “strong-arming” of this board behind the scenes to stop this challenge by the Clinton campaign, the Illinois Democratic Party, and/or the Democratic National Committee.
Do you think this challenge to Hillary’s ballot eligibility will keep her off the ballot, or will it be business as usual for the corrupt Clinton camp?

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