Wednesday, February 3, 2016

Would Glenn Beck Vote For Hillary, Sanders? Probably Not, But Would He Vote For Trump?

Has This Conservative Media Personality “Jumped the Shark?”


January 28th, 2016
National talk show host Glenn Beck has done and said some interesting things in his time. However, his latest remarks about supporting a liberal Democrat for president if this Republican were nominated might just take the cake.
Beck recently endorsed Texas senator Ted Cruz as his choice for the GOP presidential nominee. He compared Cruz to the 16th president, Abraham Lincoln, and gave him a compass that belonged to the first one, George Washington.
Here’s what he told Cruz at a rally in Ankeny, Iowa as reported by The Hill:
“I’m taking a very big risk here and gambling on it, but this is how much I believe in Ted Cruz.
“I’d like  you to hold onto that,” he said, passing Cruz the compass, “to make sure your compass is square and you stay true to your values.”
Beck said he had never endorsed a presidential candidate in his 40 years of broadcasting, but he made an exception because of the urgency of the moment.
He said Cruz is the only candidate in the field who can defeat GOP front-runner Donald Trump in the Iowa caucuses. Then his comments took a weird turn when he talked about Trump.
“…if Donald Trump wins, it’s going to be a snowball to hell. The other guy has said he hasn’t done anything in his life that actually makes him feel like he should ask forgiveness from God…. as if for the last eight years we have watched a narcissist in the Oval Office and it has meant nothing to us.”
Beck continued to say that he actually prefers a Democratic socialist over Donald Trump.
“And quite honestly, I have to tell you, this probably isn’t going to go over very well, that’s why I like Bernie Sanders. (He’s) like, ‘Yep, I’m a socialist.
“I can actually sit at a table with a man who says, ‘Yes, I’m a socialist, and yes, I don’t like what we are doing, we should be more like Denmark.'”
While we can (kind of) understand Beck’s reasoning behind this support of Sanders over Trump, we don’t believe it would be best to elect an unabashed socialist over one of America’s biggest capitalists.
Beck may have gone off the rails or “jumped the shark” with these comments. Here’s the definition of the phrase “jump the shark:” Where a TV show or movie (or in this case, media personality) reach a point at which far-fetched events are included merely for the sake of novelty, indicative of a decline in quality.
Do you agree with Beck’s controversial view on electing an honest socialist versus a Republican who isn’t a solid conservative – and do you think Glenn Beck has “jumped the shark?”

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