Sunday, March 27, 2016

Are The Clinton's Throwing Everything Away? Will Obama React Positively To Criticism By The Clintons? The Most Likely Outcome Is An Indictment!

In case you missed it (because it wasn’t on the network news), Bill Clinton trashed Obama this week.
Here’s what he said in Spokane as reported by WND: “If you believe we can all rise together, if you believe we’ve finally come to the point where we can put the awful legacy of the last eight years behind us and the seven years before that when we were practicing trickle-down economics and no regulation in Washington, which is what caused the crash, then you should vote for [Hillary Clinton] because she’s the only person who basically had good ideas, will tell you how she’s going to pay for them, can be commander in chief and is a proven change-maker with Republicans and Democrats and independents alike.”
"The awful legacy of the last eight years"?
Was it a Freudian slip? I mean, he was on the campaign trail for Hillary!
Who has been president for nearly the last eight years?
Barack Obama.
The story got enough tongues wagging so that Bill had to issue a statement to clarify his remarks through spokesperson Angel Urena:
"When Republicans controlled the White House, their trickle-down approach drove our economy to the brink of a collapse. After President Obama was elected, Republicans made it their number one goal to block him at every turn. That unprecedented obstruction these last eight years is their legacy, and the American people should reject it by electing Hillary Clinton to build on President Obama's success so we can all grow and succeed together."
But that is a bit of a stretch. When Obama was elected, Democrats controlled the House and the Senate. He had two years to ram through any legislation he wanted. That's how we got Obamacare – without a single Republican vote in either house of Congress.
If that weren't enough, Chelsea Clinton got into the act – criticizing Obamacare.

The president's key accomplishment – Obamacare – is scorned in video footage of the younger Clinton that appears to have been taken March 22, again, in Washington state – just one day after her dad's tirade. She criticized the "crushing costs" of Obama's health-care legislation. She promised her mom would do something about them – maybe through executive order.
Even left-wing magazine Salon asked about Bill's statement: "Why would such a skilled politician as Clinton so clumsily throw the current Democratic president under the bus? Is this an indication of a potential split from Obama from the former secretary of state as well?"
So what is going on? Was this an intentional one-two punch by the family Clinton – allowing Hillary to distance herself from the moribund economy?
Or is it something else?
Bill Clinton also mentioned, in the same speech – almost in the same breath – something about those who "want to relitigate the past."
What did he mean by that?
Could the Clintons know the hammer is about to come down on Hillary in the form of an indictment from the Justice Department? After all, she is the target of an FBI investigation for very serious charges about repeatedly and knowingly passing classified information on an insecure server.
What's even more odd about Chelsea's statement is that it came 24 hours after her father's speech. People all over the country were already buzzing about what he said when Chelsea used language that could only be interpreted as criticism of Obama's legacy legislation.
Now, I've been around long enough to know it's highly unlikely a Democratic Justice Department is going to throw its leading presidential candidate (almost de facto nominee) under the bus with an indictment. I would be shocked.
But it's enough to make anyone scratch his head.
What's got into the Clintons?
Have they left the Obama reservation?
And what would that mean?
What could it mean?


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