Tuesday, March 29, 2016

Bernie Is A "Paid Stand In" So Hillary Can Look Like She Won The Nomination. Unfortunately For The Former Secretary Of State, Bernie Has Been Beating Her. Is She Really That Bad A Candidate? The Answer Is A Resounding YES

Is Hillary Terrified of Bernie?

  • 03/28/2016 
  • Source: AAN 
  • by: AAN Staff
 22  17  3  2  0 0
Hillary Clinton's debate performances have been wooden and terrible, a 
combination of her robotic tone, anti personality, and feeble explanations for 
her cozy relationship with Wall Street. Predictably, Democratic audiences 
have responded by casting votes for her rival, septuagenarian socialist 
crackpot Bernie Sanders. So it's no surprise that after Bernie's big weekend
 sweep, Team Clinton is terrified, and they're plugging the leak. For the time 
being, Hillary has decided to avoid debating Bernie until he...can behave 
Hillary Clinton's chief campaign strategist laid into Bernie Sanders' camp

on Monday for its insistence upon a debate before the April 19 primary in

New York, remarking that the Vermont senator has reneged on his promise

to avoid running a negative campaign and therefore does not get to dictate

the terms of any future debates.

Appearing on CNN, Joel Benenson was asked about comments from the

Sanders campaign over the weekend calling for another debate before the

New York primary, though he said he did not see that as the most notable

story out of the weekend. Instead, he referred to a Washington Post story

in which Sanders' campaign discussed possible efforts to sharpen rhetoric

against the former secretary of state. "They’re talking about running harsher

negatives now," Benenson said, responding that he was not distracting

from the issue but explaining the campaign's stance.

“Because I think the real question is what kind of campaign is Sen. Sanders

going to run going forward," Benenson remarked. "He pumped $4 million

in the weekend before March 15, and he lost all five states on March 15.

They spent about $4 million running negative ads.”
This is likely a power move made by a frontrunner who knows she can't
 afford any more disastrous debate performances. Still, it's a bad sign for 
the general election. Recall that Sanders basically squandered any 
advantage he might have over Clinton in this primary when he almost 
immediately stated that the American people were "sick and tired of
 hearing about your damn emails!" Since then, he's only crossed into
 "Brooklyn loud" territory when Hillary has blatantly lied about his record. 
Overall, Sanders tenor has been so milquetoast that you wonder if 
he's running nothing more than a protest/issue candidacy.

This begs the question: if Hillary is afraid to face lightweight Bernie
 Sanders in a debate, will she even show up when it's time to take 
on the brash New York billionaire who's likely to be the Republican

 Source: AAN
- See more at: http://americanactionnews.com/articles/is-hillary-terrified-of-bernie#sthash.oW1a6HXL.dpuf

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