Thursday, March 3, 2016

Black Lives Matter Is Nothing More Than The Brown Shirts Of Years Ago

vet beaten blm

How the Liberal Media Responds When Black Lives Matter Thugs Beat Decorated Vet

Decorated Marine veteran Christopher Marquez was grabbing a bite to eat in a northwest Washington, D.C. McDonald’s when he was surrounded by a pack of Black Lives Matter thugs who taunted him with questions like, ‘Do you believe black lives matter?’ and calling him a racist.
He ignored the group, figuring they would go away on their own. Instead, however, they followed him outside the restaurant and proceeded to beat him unconscious.
Surveillance cameras caught the incident on video and police have released the footage in hopes that someone will recognize one of the young men and come forward with an ID.
Marquez, who was the inspiration for a bronze statue commemorating the Battle of Fallujah (he’s the one on the left in the picture above), had this to say,
“I remember this group of teens harassing me while I was eating, they surrounded my table and kept on asking me ‘Do you believe black lives matter. Then they started calling me a racist. I can’t recall if they were saying anything else to me at this moment because the blow to my head really screwed up my memory.”
Other than a slight mention here and there, the media has responded to this incident with complete silence.
Where are the all of the condemnations coming from the supporters of the Black Lives Matter movement? Do they approve of how their supporters behave?
The news report of the incident:

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