Wednesday, March 2, 2016

DeLay Is As Delusional As Other Republican Leaders

Tom DeLay: 'Trump Will Destroy Republican Party'

By Todd Beamon   |   Tuesday, 01 Mar 2016 08:16 PM
Donald Trump will 'destroy the Republican Party' if he becomes president of the United States, former House Majority Leader Tom DeLay toldNewsmax TV on Tuesday.

"If Trump becomes our nominee and ultimately becomes president, he could actually destroy the Republican Party," the five-term Texan, who served as majority leader from 2003 to 2005, told "The Steve Malzberg Show" in an interview. "I truly believe that.
"He's no conservative," DeLay added. "He wants to be king — and when he says, 'Make America Great Again,' it sounds a lot like 'Hope and Change' to me."

He was referring to the campaign theme of President Barack Obama.

DeLay told Malzberg that Trump's waffling on David Duke's endorsement "just sounds like it's just a mess.
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"I just can't believe that he welcomes David Duke's endorsement. "When you're exhausted, you make stupid mistakes — and it sounds like a stupid mistake.

"Now having said that, I am definitely no Trump supporter," DeLay said.

Regarding Democratic front-runner Hillary Clinton, he told Malzberg that the FBI will recommend indictment for the former secretary of state in the email scandal.
"I doubt that the Obama administration will indict her," DeLay said, "but if they don't indict her, we will try her in the public sphere."

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