Monday, March 14, 2016

French Police Finally Getting Weapons Which Will Meet Terrorists On An Equal Footing.

The Incredible Reason French Police Changed Their Mind On Big Guns

Screen Shot 2016-03-01 at 3.46.44 PMWho could forget the day Islamic radicals traipsed through the streets and clubs of Paris, wreaking havoc wherever they went?
The international community bemoaned the orchestrated terror attack and resolved not to be undone by the gross display of violence.
In the months since the attacks, the conversation on gun control has escalated, both here at home in the U.S. and abroad.
And while most people of a left leaning persuasion have said we need to limit total access to guns some have actually said the opposite.
Two police officers from France’s Anti-Crime Brigade were among the first to arrive at the scene of the Bataclan concert hall massacre — one of several terror attacks that brought Paris to a standstill on November 13, 2015.
The police chief and his driver — who were wearing standard bulletproof vests and carrying light service weapons — spotted one of the gunmen and managed to kill him despite having only their handguns. But, ill-equipped against heavy fire from the assault rifles of the other assailants, they were forced to retreat and await backup.
But officers with the BAC, as it’s known by its French acronym, will soon be carrying their own assault rifles, as a plan to upgrade the force’s equipment kicks in over the coming weeks.
After promising the upgrade several months ago, France’s Interior Minister Bernard Cazeneuve announced that BAC officers would now be toting similar guns and armor as the country’s special intervention forces, including assault rifles, ballistic shields, thicker bulletproof vests, and bulletproof helmets.
The only people who would argue this is a bad move have no idea about the laws of applicable force in violent situations.
Arm chair pilots and legislators will always downplay the need for assault weapons, both for civilians and police, but the available statistics show definitively the best way to neutralize a threat who have a respectable amount of firepower is to posses an equal or greater amount of firepower.
It’s sad the French weren’t equipped to handle the situation they encountered that fateful night. However, it’s relieving to see they’re now being given the equipment necessary to handle themselves better if they’re ever thrust into a similar situation again.
Are you surprised the French are switching to heavy duty firearms now?

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