Sunday, March 27, 2016

Government Loses More Guns.

From: Right To Bear Blog

How A Relatively Unknown 3-Letter Government Agency Managed To Lose Hundreds of Weapons

If  you’ve been then you understand there are a lot of three letter government agencies out there who are gobbling up large amounts of ammunition and firearms.
Many of these organizations need it. Who’s going to argue against the FBI needing weapons (now whether or not they use them the right way is another thing altogether).
But what happens when one of those agencies has a central task of taking guns from the federal government and giving them to local and state police and fails to fulfill their duties?
Well you have a disaster on your hands.
The Hill writes:
The federal government received a bipartisan bashing Wednesday for losing track of hundreds of guns and grenade launchers that were donated to police departments.
The General Services Administration (GSA) has transferred more than 9,800 firearms to state and local police departments since 1999. But many of these weapons have later turned up for sale at gun stores or been stolen, according to a government watchdog.
Congress is outraged.
“This is not rocket science,” said Rep. Mark Meadows (R-N.C.).
“I don’t understand how something so simple can’t be done,” he asked. “We can put a man on the moon and yet we can’t track firearms?”
An inspector’s general report issued in June 2015 found that 485 firearms have gone missing — only 24 have been recovered, while the rest remain on the lose.
During the first hearing on the matter, lawmakers from both sides of the aisle expressed concern.
Rep. Buddy Carter (R-Ga.) said it is “appalling” that the federal government would lose track of the firearms.
“This is my concern,” Carter said. “Here we have a federal agency that is only dedicated to registering and controlling firearms. Yet they don’t even know how many they have, they don’t know where they are, and they don’t know who has them.”
The GSA’s Surplus Firearm Donation Program provides weapons that are no longer being used by federal agencies to police departments.
The weapons include not only handguns but also assault rifles, uzis and grenade launchers, according to the report.
Democrats raised concerns about the use of grenade launchers by police departments.
“Can anyone tell me why the Cayce South Carolina Police Department, which polices a city of less than 13,000 people, needed two military-style grenade launchers in the first place?” asked Rep. Gerald Connolly (D-Va.).
“Do you sit around saying, ‘Well, I wonder who could use a grenade launcher?'” Connolly continued. “‘What could go wrong with that?’ “
Lawmakers also questioned why the GSA has only appointed one person to oversee the program.
“You have one person designated to manage this program of nearly 10,000 firearms?” asked Rep. Tim Walberg (R-Mich.).
“What did you think was going to happen to these weapons?” asked Del. Eleanor Holmes Norton (D-D.C.).
It’s amazing that the federal government would even think to tell Americans what they can and cannot do with guns and yet they can’t hang onto the ones they’ve been entrusted with.
This is yet another example of a moral failure on the government’s part. It seems like every few months we get another peak into the bumblings and ineptitudes of our government. The problem is how many of these happen with guns and how many innocent lives are lost because the government fails again to do their jobs correctly.
Are you at all surprised to see this kind of thing happen?

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