Friday, March 25, 2016

HIllary--The Original Anti-Gunner!

Leaked Audio Reveals Hillary’s Real Plan For Your Guns


March 24th, 2016
It’s true: Former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton is coming for your guns.
She won’t say that during a campaign speech covered by the media or in an op-ed  in the New York Times. But when she’s among friends and doesn’t realize she’s being recorded, she’s apparently a little more open about her plans.
The Washington Free Beacon recently obtained an audio recording of Clinton’s remarks to what was obviously a liberal, anti-gun crowd at a “small private fundraiser in New York” – which is the only kind of crowd to be found at a Clinton fundraiser in New York, most likely.

Here’s part of her remarks as reported by the Free Beacon:
“Clinton told donors that the Supreme Court was ‘wrong on the Second Amendment.’
‘And I am going to make that case every chance I get,‘ she added.
I was proud when my husband took (the National Rifle Association) on, and we were able to ban assault weapons, but he had to put a sunset on 10 years later, of course, Bush wouldn’t agree to reinstate them.
That’s because Bush knew that such bans do little more than infringe upon the Second Amendment rights of law-abiding Americans – something Clinton, despite her constant claims to be the “experienced” candidate for president, doesn’t appear to have figured out yet.
Clinton also criticized the NRA and promised to work to counter the lobbying influence of the organization.
“I’m going to speak out, I’m going to do everything I can to rally people against this pernicious, corrupting influence of the NRA. And we’re going to do whatever we can.
“The idea that you can have an open carry permit with an AK-47 over your shoulder walking up and down the aisles of a supermarket is just despicable.” 
This confirms that Hillary Clinton is – and always has been – a hard-core liberal. No matter what she says on the campaign trail, she’s still a big danger to our Second Amendment rights.
Do you think that Hillary would sign an executive order limiting or banning guns if she were elected president?

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