Saturday, March 5, 2016

Hillary Taking From Her Campaign Fund--It May Be Legal But What About The Appearances?

Which Dead Broke Candidate is Raiding

 the Campaign Cookie Jar?

  • 03/04/2016 
  • Source: AAN 
  • by: AAN Staff
 220  73  81  20  1 0
Hillary Clinton may have cheesed off a lot of hard-working Americans when
she complained about being "dead broke" while owning multiple homes and
a six figure book deal, but it appears that the Democratic frontrunner's free
spending ways have caught up with her. How bad is it? Candidate Clinton
 is raiding her campaign for cash. As the Daily Caller notes:
Hillary Clinton has paid herself over $250,000 from campaign money since

April 2015.

The first transaction was for $74,042 on April 13, the same month she started

her campaign, and the seven total payments since to Hillary have totaled

$254,447, The Washington Free Beacon reports.

A Federal Elections Commission rule change in 2002 allowed for candidates

to pay themselves using campaign funds, however, this was allowed explicitly

for candidates without means who quit their jobs to seek office.

“The salary must not exceed the lesser of the minimum annual salary for

the federal office sought or what the candidate received as earned income

in the previous year,” according to the FEC.

Sponsored Links bySome of the payments to Clinton from her campaign

overlapped with money given to the private company created to oversee

the use of her private email server while she was secretary of state —

Clinton Executive Services Corp. In December 2015, a payroll payment

of $42,032 to Hillary was transmitted to the group.
If Clinton can't manage her own finances, how can she expect to manage
the entire federal budget?
- See more at:

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