Thursday, March 3, 2016

Hillary's IT Guy May Have The Gasoline To Cook Her Goose

Hillary's IT Guy Granted Immunity In Email Probe
Published on on March 3, 2016
Bryan Pagliano, the IT aide who set up Hillary's unorthodox home server and email system, has been granted immunity and is cooperating with the FBI in its investigation of possible mishandling of classified information by Hillary and her aides.

This is not good news for Hillary. Not at all.

Pagliano could be a grave threat to Hillary and could hold the fate of her run for the White House in his hands.  

That's because Pagliano is the one person who knows everything about how - and maybe why - the secret server was set up in the first place. One thing is clear: someone told him to install it for the use of the Secretary of State's government business communications. And someone also told him to assign non-governmental email addresses to Hillary and Huma Abedin outside the system. Who was that person? And what else did they tell him to do?

Another important question to be answered is whether Pagliano removed any emails from the server housed in Hillary's Chappaqua basement. Were any of Hillary's emails deleted? If they were, when and why? And if they were, who ordered the deletion?

And, of course, any information about whether anyone ever asked him how to get around the classified system and copy secret information onto a non-secure computer is critical. We know that Hillary instructed Jake Sullivan about how to do that. And, trust, us, Hillary doesn't know the first thing about computers. She can't type and she didn't even have a computer in her office at the State Department. Yet, she so easily gave instructions on how to circumvent the State Department's security system for classified documents. How did she learn about that?

And what happened to Pagliano's own emails -- because here's something fishy: a search of all of the 52,000 Hillary emails released to date shows only two involving Pagliano.  One was a Happy Birthday message to Hillary. The other was an exchange with Cheryl Mills when she lost her personal Blackberry and was worried about replacing her contacts. Other than those two, Pagliano neither sent nor received any emails on either Hillary's server or the server while Hillary was Secretary of State.

Now, that's odd, isn't it?

The person in charge of Hillary's emails never used email.

The person in charge of her server was never contacted regarding the well-documented problems and outages on the email system and server. And no one ever had a single question for him. No one.

Is that really possible? Or were emails deleted by the only person who had complete access and the technical skills to manipulate Hillary's server and delete from the system, too?

Apparently the FBI wondered about the same thing.  The Bureau seized Pagliano's computer after the State Department immediately notified them that they could not find any of Pagliano's email files for the four years that he worked for Hillary at the State Department.

The FBI does not fool around. They have likely found some, if not all, of Pagliano's emails from 2009 through 2012, as well as a trail of any deletions that were made on the server.  It's just a matter of time. That's undoubtedly what they want to discuss with Pagliano.

Interestingly, the State Department has confirmed that it does have Pagliano's files for the years AFTER Hillary's tenure, but none during her entire time at State. No problem there.

So what happened to the ones the FBI wanted to see? It sure looks like someone removed all of Pagliano's files from 2009 through 2012. And maybe more. Why? Who?

The Bureau is getting closer and closer to Hillary. Several months ago, they seized her own server and, by now, may well have recovered documents that were not provided to the State Department. We know that the FBI has claimed that "incomplete" documents containing classified information was found in her emails. Translation: There was a cut and paste job. Parts of classified documents were copied in some form and sent out on an unclassified system.

Now it's time to talk to the guy who was in charge of the entire email system and get some answers. He may be the one who can unravel the secret system.

One thing we know for sure: Pagliano would not be given immunity if the government thought he had nothing important to say. The standard procedure before granting immunity from prosecution is to schedule an informal questioning session with the U.S. Attorney, called a "proffer." Immunity is sparingly given and would only be given to Pagliano if the government believed that the testimony will help the investigation.

So Pagliano must have something to say.

Remember that he was not just a low-level bureaucrat who was assigned to Hillary on tech issues. She brought him in to the State Department and paid him close to $140,000 a year to maintain her personal server that was not accessible by other State Department employees.

To put this in perspective, Hillary's own salary as Secretary of State at that time in 2009 was $146,910 -- just $6,910 more than Pagliano was paid!

He must have been some important staff person.

Because this was a huge, huge increase for Pagliano. Prior to joining Hillary at the State Department, he worked in her 2004 campaign and for HILLPAC, her political action committee. He made less than $60,000 in those jobs. That meant his salary was more than doubled.

So why did Pagliano get such a big salary increase and such a big promotion?

Now that he has been granted immunity and can't invoke the Fifth Amendment, he has no choice but to tell the FBI exactly what was going on, so maybe we'll find out.

Watch out Hillary.

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