Wednesday, March 16, 2016

If Hillary Keeps Knocking "Obama Economy" She Might Find That He Doubles Down On Her Indictment

O'Reilly: Hillary Painted Bleak Picture of Nation After 7 Years of Obama

Image: O'Reilly: Hillary Painted Bleak Picture of Nation After 7 Years of Obama(Getty Images) 
By Greg Richter   |   Tuesday, 15 Mar 2016 09:45 PM
Democratic presidential front-runner Hillary Clinton painted a rather bleak picture of America in her Tuesday night victory speech considering a Democrat has been in the Oval Office for more than seven years, Fox News host Bill O'Reilly said.
Clinton ticked off a list of things she'll do as president in her speech, O'Reilly noted, adding, "Well, why hasn't it been done already?"
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"If I'm the opposition, I'm going, 'hey, you're saying that President Obama is the greatest president or whatever, you're running for an Obama third term, and then you say, everything needs to be fixed. So what is that all about?'"

But O'Reilly cautioned Republicans not to underestimate Clinton.

"She is one tough lady. She is as tough as [GOP front-runner Donald] Trump," he said. "So if it's going to be Trump versus Clinton, it's going to be some brawl."
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