Thursday, March 17, 2016

Is The FBI Bragging Or Are Hillary's Days Waning


FBI Source Says Clinton IT Specialist a ‘Devastating Witness’

Hillary Clinton’s former IT specialist Bryan Pagliano has begun spilling all of his secrets to FBI investigators since his immunity deal with the Justice Department went through.
In fact, one intelligence source close to the investigation has called Pagliano a “devastating witness.”
Pagliano has given FBI details about Clinton’s private homebrew server, including who had access to it and what devices were used. Investigators say it amounts to handing them a roadmap.
According to Fox News:
“Bryan Pagliano is a devastating witness and, as the webmaster, knows exactly who had access to [Clinton’s] computer and devices at specific times. His importance to this case cannot be over-emphasized,” the intelligence source said.
The source, who is not authorized to speak on the record due to the sensitivity of the ongoing investigation, said Pagliano has provided information allowing investigators to knit together the emails with other evidence, including images of Clinton on the road as secretary of state.
The cross-referencing of evidence could help investigators pinpoint potential gaps in the email record. “Don’t forget all those photos with her using various devices and it is easy to track the whereabouts of her phone,” the source said. ”It is still boils down to a paper case. Did you email at this time from your home or elsewhere using this device? And here is a picture of you and your aides holding the devices.”
When asked during the Univision debate if she would withdraw from the race if indicted, Clinton feigned offense and brushed off the question.
What do you think is going to come of all this? Clinton has obviously been carrying water for Obama while on the campaign trail by defending all of his policies and promising to continue them should she be elected. One gets the distinct feeling that she’s doing it in hopes that he’ll protect her when the time comes. Do you think it will work?

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