Thursday, March 10, 2016

Is Rubio Finished? We Think So But Convention Could Change All That.

Fox News Poll: Trump Has Double Rubio's Support in Florida

Image: Fox News Poll: Trump Has Double Rubio's Support in Florida(Wire Services Photo) 
Wednesday, 09 Mar 2016 06:36 PM
GOP presidential front-runner Donald Trump has more than twice the support of Florida Sen. Marco Rubio in Rubio's home state, while Ohio Gov. John Kasich leads Trump by five points in Ohio, according to a Fox News Poll released Wednesday.
Both states hold winner-take-all primaries on Tuesday.

Here are the results from likely GOP primary voters in Florida: 
Latest News Update
  • Donald Trump: 43 percent
  • Marco Rubio: 20 percent
  • Ted Cruz: 16 percent
  • John Kasich: 10 percent
In Ohio: 
  • John Kasich: 34 percent
  • Donald Trump: 29 percent
  • Ted Cruz: 19 percent
  • Marco Rubio: 7 percent
Both polls were conducted March 5-8 and have a margin of error of plus-or-minus 3.5 percent.
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