Wednesday, March 9, 2016

Is Trump's Hand Raising A Big Issue Or A Lot Of Nothing

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Donald Trump is many things.
He’s a billionaire.
He’s one of the world’s most successful real estate developers.
He’s a candidate for president of the United States.
He’s a TV reality-show star.
He’s an engaging personality.
As someone who has personally endorsed one of his opponents in the 2016 presidential race, let me say this: He bears no resemblance, real or imagined, to the genocidal, mass-murdering, Jew-hating, national socialist dictator Adolf Hitler.
Any such comparisons, no matter who makes them, only serve to diminish and trivialize the Holocaust he inspired and executed in the costliest war in human history.
So who is making them?
  • Former president of the Anti-Defamation League Abraham Foxman, who should know better;
  • Many in the major media, who do know better but can’t help themselves as the shills of the Democratic Party they willingly serve;
  • The president of Mexico;
  • Glenn Beck;
  • Bill Maher and various other comedians.
The list is growing hourly.
Call it the ultimate “Trump card.”
But accusations and rantings like this not only demean those uttering them, they depreciate the sober lessons of what happened in World War II under the Nazis.
Thank goodness not everyone in public life stood by silently in the face of such hysteria. Ironically, one powerful voice of reason, Rabbi Shmuley Boteach, set the record straight in the Jerusalem Post, calling such brutal mischaracterizations “abhorrent.”
So what fueled it all?
Trump raised his right hand and asked his followers at a rally to do so while pledging to vote for him. It was all done amid laughter and frivolity. No putsches were planned. No one suggested rounding up opposition. Trump even told his audience if they changed their mind, they could feel free to vote for another candidate.
Watch the video for yourself:
Anyone making anything of such phony symbolism should never again be taken seriously in polite company. It's just that simple. In fact, such bogus comparisons are actually quite hateful and incendiary.
But, nevertheless, they continue – out of desperation.
It's not as though you can't find photos and videos of others with their right hand raised. It happens whenever a new president is sworn in. It happens whenever a new citizen is sworn to uphold the Constitution of his new homeland. It happens at the political rallies of every other candidate who has ever run for office.
I include a few examples in this column.

So why the absurd desperation to portray Trump as another Hitler?
Because Trump is engendering political excitement among disaffected citizens who have seen themselves, their values and their lifestyles purposely marginalized by the Washington and cultural elite.
Again, I don't support Trump. He's not my first choice to be the next president. But I will certainly support him if and when he becomes the nominee.
Because true Republicanism is the very antithesis of fascism – the ideology of Hitler and the Nazis. Republicanism is an ideology that is committed to separation of powers, not the accumulation of power in the hands of the few. It is an ideology committed to representative government, as opposed to pure democracy, an ideology that offers protection of minority rights. It is an ideology that is based on the rule of law, not the rule of man.
Trump is not a racist. He is not an anti-Semite. He does not advocate invasions of neighboring countries. On the contrary, he stands, first and foremost, for stopping an ongoing invasion of America. It's simply disgusting to be forced to listen to, watch and read such spurious, defamatory and irrational comparisons.
But, guess what? It will all backfire on those who join this charade. It won't hurt Trump. It won't diminish the enthusiasm of his followers. It will only make them more committed to Trump. It will only draw more support for him. And that's because no one actually believes this stuff. No one actually feels threatened by the Trump campaign except the entrenched special interests and the Washington and media elite who see their hammerlock grip on power diminishing by the minute.


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