Wednesday, March 23, 2016

Kasich Staying In The Race Because He THINKS He Will Be Rewarded By Prompting A "Convention From Hell"

levin turd
Patriots And Politics

Levin on this GOP Candidate: ‘He’s Just 

Throwing the Turd in the Swimming Pool’

Radio talk show host Mark Levin is not the only person mystified by GOP
 candidate John Kasich’s insistence on remaining in the race even though it is
 mathematically impossible for him to gain the number of delegates required to
 gain the Republican nomination.
In fact, in order for Kasich to legitimately gain the nomination, he would need to
 get 106% of the remaining delegates available. 
Why then, many are wondering, is the Ohio governor continuing to remain in the 
race? Levin posted a video on his YouTube channel that explains it as succinctly
 and in his signature colorful way:
“John Kasich is there for one reason and one reason only. He’s

selfish. He’s diabolical. And the other is he’s positioning

himself to be a vice presidential candidate with a Trump

or a Cruz. And Ohio’s a critical state and he knows it.
Or he’s just throwing the turd in the swimming pool, may I say, in

order to create chaos at the Republican convention and whatever

happens will happen.
The establishment will do anything to maintain and increase

its power and their number one enemy is Ted Cruz and all

of us… Constitutional, Tea Party, Reagan Conservatives

who’ve had enough of all of them.”
Why do you think Kasich is staying in the race? Is he delusional enough to
 think he has a real shot, or is he hoping that the establishment can steal
 the nomination for him at the convention this summer?

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