Wednesday, March 16, 2016

Mitt And Other Establishment Republicans Are Doing More Damage Than Good

From: Tea Party Journal

Mitt Romney Just Demonstrated Why Voters Despise the ‘Establishment’

The 2012 Republican nominee recently decided that it would be a good idea to make a last ditch effort to stop the progress of frontrunner Donald Trump before he becomes the next Republican nominee.
Ever since it became clear that Trump’s campaign was gaining ground and was pulling in millions of enthusiastic voters, there have been grumblings from the establishment wing of the party about how how to prevent Trump from upsetting their stranglehold on the party — even suggesting that a brokered convention would be an acceptable way to circumvent the will of the people and assert their power.
So Romney decided to take to the airwaves to make a political speech — not in support of any one candidate — but only for the purpose of trashing Trump.
Breitbart reported that,
Gov. Romney did what the establishment has been doing for decades…talk.
It took all of about thirty seconds into his condescending, arrogant lecture to remind voters just why they hate the establishment, why they are sick and tired of being used and why they are furious at being told how to vote.
This was a classic Romney performance and production that somehow managed to encapsulate everything truly despised by rank and file Republicans. The staging lacked any sign of love, warmth or heart – ironically, so did Romney’s two failed runs at President. The backdrop was a repeating logo showcasing the Hinckley Institute. Never heard of ‘em – and neither has 99.9 percent of the American electorate – though I’m sure it’s a fine “establishment.”

…Gov. Romney complained with cute contrived one-liners that Trump was a “phony” and a “conman.” Lapping up every drop of irony here, Gov. Romney was the one candidate for two presidential cycles that was bludgeoned repeatedly for being a “phony” himself…flip-flopping on everything from abortion, healthcare, gay rights, taxes and immigration just to get elected. Oh, and did I mention that Gov. Romney wrote and bragged about Romneycare, which was the blue print for Obamacare?
…Back in 2012, Gov. Romney sought and received an endorsement by Donald Trump and in the press conference Romney praised Trump’s business acumen and ability saying, “Donald Trump has shown an extraordinary ability to understand how our economy works to create jobs for the American people.” Romney added, “He’s one of the few people who stood up and said, ‘You know what? China has been cheating. They’ve taken jobs from Americans. They haven’t played fair.’” Romney even joked grinning and looking at Trump, “I’ve spent my life in the private sector, not quite as successful as this guy.”

Many people have said that Romney’s efforts amount to an attempt to burn down the Republican party. What do you think about Romney’s decision to come out and denounce Trump at this late stage? Is he even relevant anymore?

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