Friday, March 11, 2016

Neither Hillary Or Bernie Get The Chicago Tribune Endorsement. A Slam?

Chicago Tribune Snubs Hillary, Declines to Endorse

(AP Photo/Patrick Semansky)
Reports of journalism's death may have been exaggerated. The Chicago Tribune, ahead of the Illinois primary next Tuesday, has explained why they will not endorse a candidate in the race for the Democrat presidential nomination. Politico summarizes:
"This being a free country, Hillary Clinton and Bernie Sanders are welcome to pander however feverishly they wish, promising vast new expenditures by a federal government already committed to wildly more spending than its taxpayers and its low-growth economy can afford," the newspaper's editorial board wrote Wednesday, hitting Clinton in particular for scrambling "to mimic" Sanders on proposing costly programs unlikely to make it through Congress.
The Tribune endorsed Florida Sen. Marco Rubio on the Republican side, writing that regardless of his stances on individual issues, "he offers Illinois voters the framework of a presidency that realistically could exist."
"Hillary Clinton and Bernie Sanders have not met this fundamental economic test," the board concluded.
Imagine that, holding up fiscal feasibility as a litmus test for campaign rhetoric. Where was this methodology in 2008 when the Tribune endorsed Barack Obama?

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