Tuesday, March 1, 2016

No Wonder Hillary Feels She Can Get Away With Lies! She Has Never Had To Pay The Piper!

It makes us laugh when you hear the media go on about Trump's business failures (and successes) , his bankruptcies, and his failed marriages as they are so insignificant when measured against his presumptive opposition.

Hillary's absolute abuse of the system has been going on for years and those lawsuits, fines, and outrageous failures of leadership are outlined in the following youtube video.

Anyone who has forgotten the Clinton era abuses needs to go back and read a number of books, videos and testimonies about the time. It was not pretty. Do you remember that Clinton lost his law license for lying to a Grand Jury?

Terry Reid wrote a spell binding, first person account of the time in Arkansas. It is entitled, "Bush, Clinton and the CIA.  We read it years ago, talked to the author and came to understand how the Clinton Machine works. It is an organization not unlike the Mafia where the underlings happily go to jail to protect the "Boss", who in this case is Hillary.

If Hillary is unfortunately elected President, the scandals that have plagued this country will look like a Sunday School picnic.  Foreign Governments will be forced to "pay to play", citizens will be jailed for even commenting on the Clintons, illegal activities by government agencies will be encouraged, the Constitution will be totally shredded.

So before you pull the trigger for the next President, view this video and sit back and ask yourself this question:  Do I want this thief and liar as our President?  We believe the answer will be no.

Conservative Tom

Here is the link:

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