Tuesday, March 29, 2016

One Tin Pot Dictator Disses Another Tin Pot Dictator

Castro Issues Final Insult to Obama

  • 03/28/2016 
  • Source: AAN 
  • by: AAN Staff
 142  47  83  9  1 1
Barack Obama's disgraceful visit to the island prison known as Cuba, 
where he took in a baseball game with mass murderer Raul Castro and 
did the wave while Brussels burned, couldn't possibly get more embarrassing.

But what if it could?
Fidel Castro rebuked President Obama in a lengthy diatribe Monday just days

after his historic visit to Cuba.

The former Cuban revolutionary leader published a letter in state-controlled

media titled “Brother Obama,” in which he recalled the U.S.’ past efforts to

overthrow his government.

“We do not need the empire to give us anything,” Castro wrote.
Make no mistake- the United States could conquer Cuba and liberate its
 people with very little effort. It's one thing that we let this communist 
backwater prison nation exist 90 miles off our shores. It's an entirely 
different thing when an American president who is supposed to serve
 as the advocate for human liberty around the globe goes there, kisses 
the ring, and then gets his finger bit off by a tin pot coward like Castro.
 Obama's tour has been a weeklong repudiation of the Monroe Doctrine. 
We can't wait to see him go. 

 Source: AAN
Tags: Issues: Washington PoliticsForeign Affairs; Categories:
- See more at: http://americanactionnews.com/articles/castro-issues-final-insult-to-obama#sthash.w1OnVJig.dpuf

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