Sunday, March 20, 2016

Republicans Can Win If They Will Only Stop Fighting But Will They? Or Will They Grab Defeat Out Of The Jaws Of Victory. Is Hillary Really Better Than Trump? Hardly!

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The only way Republicans can lose the presidency in 2016 is to throw away the opportunity before them.
It wouldn’t be unprecedented, of course.
We know from experience the Republican establishment would rather see a Democratic victory than for the insiders to be denied their “right” to pick the nominee. Those folks are in hysterics right now trying to figure out a way to overturn the will of Republican voters in almost every single primary and caucus that was conducted this year under the rules they themselves wrote.
But, here’s the good news: Hillary Clinton is a virtual lock on becoming the Democrats’ standard bearer in 2016.
Think about that.
This is a dreadful candidate. This is a woman with no appeal even among her own party. This is a person who engenders no enthusiasm, even among the most hard-core Democrats and progressives.
While she still has media friends propping her up with meaningless polls showing her ahead in face-to-face match-ups with the two leading Republican candidates, Hillary has no chance of winning the presidency unless it is somehow handed to her on a silver platter through GOP missteps.
What could those missteps be?
  • Real division among Republicans
  • A boycott of the GOP nominee by those in search of the perfect candidate
  • A third-party bid by some Republican insider with the intent of siphoning votes away from the rightful GOP nominee
It’s time for all Republicans to get serious about what’s at stake in 2016. It’s an opportunity to end all the excuses once and for all. It’s about taking control of all three branches of government. It’s about repealing Obamacare. It’s about closing the border. It’s about rejuvenating the American economy. It’s about reining in out-of-control government spending and borrowing. It’s about shrinking the role of the federal government to constitutional limits.
And it’s about denying the presidency to Hillary Clinton or another like-minded Democrat – somebody who is going to continue the policies of Barack Obama and set back progress in America for another four years, probably longer.
Running against Hillary Clinton should be a field day for either of the two leading candidates.

Can you imagine the TV ads you could run against Hillary – a virtual gaffe machine?
Did you see what she said about Libya the other day?
“We didn’t lose a single person.”
Not only did we lose four brave Americans in the fiasco she orchestrated, but we lost the whole country to terrorists.
How does she think she can get away with such remarks?
By now, everyone knows how Hillary lied about Benghazi. She lied straight-faced to the families of those killed senselessly carrying out her policies.
She told them they were killed in a spontaneous uprising prompted by a YouTube video while she knew the truth and told her own family, as well as senior foreign officials, the real story.
Worse yet, she is still telling and retelling the lie that the video indeed playing a role in what was an organized and coordinated terrorist attack.
She also continues to hide the fact that she put terrorists in charge of security for our ambassador in Libya.
Hillary has a long track record of lying to the American people, and even Democratic voters know it. Overwhelmingly, they characterize her as fundamentally dishonest and corrupt.
That’s why so many of them are looking for any alternative to Hillary.
But it’s not just Hillary who is corrupt. The entire Democratic Party establishment is as well. And that’s why they will coronate her at their convention no matter how many grass-roots Democrats protest through their votes this primary season.
Personally, I can’t wait for the Democrats to make it official by nominating Hillary.
Hillary is a loser. She’s a disaster. It’s time for Republicans to come together in unity around the choice of Republican voters as expressed in the primary campaign – whoever it is.
Otherwise, you can kiss the Republican Party goodbye as a viable, competitive alternative to the Democrats when it comes to the presidency.


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