Sunday, March 20, 2016

Similarities Between Trump And Goldwater's Treatment By Establishment Republicans Is Scary.

Is Republican History Repeating Itself With This Movement?


March 16th, 2016
Mark Twain said that history doesn’t repeat itself, but it often rhymes. Today we’re hearing a familiar tune from the Republican establishment, who really doesn’t like the front-runner for president, Donald Trump.
This reminds political historians of 1964, when the establishment ignored the prairie fire of grass-roots support for Barry Goldwater, who systematically grabbed control of the GOP by scoring precinct meeting state caucuses, delegate conventions and ultimately the big California primary.
Here’s the rest of the report from Breitbart:
“By the time the GOP insiders woke up, it was too late, but they launched a furious last minute attack on the Senator from Arizona. He was a “warmonger,” “not fit to be president,” “a bigot,” “a racist,” “mentally unstable,” “would push the nuclear button,” and his supporters were “Nazis.” Does any (or all) of this sound familiar?
“In 1964, the kingmakers hoped to stall Barry short of victory on the first ballot and euchre him out of victory on a subsequent ballot. Then, as now, there was a short list of ambitious pols anxious to emerge as “compromise” choices of a brokered convention: Pennsylvania Governor Bill Scranton, Michigan Governor George Romney (Mitt’s dad), Nelson Rockefeller (damaged by his California primary loss), and the ever-available Richard Nixon.
“[And] the press weighed in. Columnist Drew Pearson wrote that ‘the smell of fascism has been in the air at this convention.’ Not to be outdone, Daniel Schorr of CBS News simply made up and reported a story that Goldwater was in touch with the neo-Nazis in Germany. The London Observer, usually a sober publication, found ‘disquieting similarities’ between Hitler and Goldwater. Does this sound like Glenn BeckDavid Brooks and Stephen Hayes, all of whom have equated Trump with der Fuhrer in the last two weeks?”
It looks like Republicans and conservatives (at least from the 1968 through 2012 election cycles) have been given the illusion of true political choice. To paraphrase Henry Ford’s saying about having a Model T in any color (as long as it was black), GOP insiders have told conservatives: “You can have the choice of any Republican candidate you want – as long as they’re approved by us.”
Do you agree with the Breitbart article that all this anti-Trump hysteria has been whipped up by the media and establishment because he isn’t their chosen candidate?

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