Sunday, March 20, 2016

Some Dems Will NOT Vote For Hillary

jim webb

Former Dem Candidate Talks Trump – Has 

Some Bad News for Hillary

Hillary Clinton’s unpopularity is legendary among Republicans. Most believe the former
 secretary of state is dishonest.
But even among Democrats, her honesty has come into question. Even though she’s slated
to become the Democratic nominee, her campaign has failed to catch fire. Most Democrats
appear to be settling for her on the grounds that she is the most electable.
But former Democratic presidential candidate Jim Webb doesn’t feel he needs to settle for
 anything. He’s refusing to vote for the status quo.
Even more surprisingly, when asked if he would vote for Trump, he left the door open.
Webb, who suspended his campaign in October, appeared on Friday’s “Morning Joe” on
 MSNBC. The upcoming presidential election was the topic of the day.
When asked who he would be voting for, the Webb said, “I’m not sure yet. I don’t know'
 who I am going to vote for.”
When asked whether he would vote for Clinton, he responded very clearly.
 “No, I would not vote for Hillary Clinton.”
“The reason why Donald Trump is getting so much support right now is because people
 are seeing him as the only one who has the courage to clean out the stables of the American
governmental system right now.”
Webb held that voting for Clinton was essentially voting for the “same thing” in Washington.
Whether good or bad, he argued that a vote for Trump would be a vote for a new direction.
What do you think of Jim Webb leaving the door open for voting for Trump?

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