Wednesday, March 23, 2016

The Noose Is Tightening. Will Lynch Indict Hillary Or Will The Obama Administration Punt?

Ed Klein: Hillary Closer To Indictment; See 2016 Buzz
Published on on March 22, 2016
Ed Klein, one of the best investigative journalist on Hillary's trail, says that his sources tell him that the "Justice Department is close to empaneling a grand jury and deciding whether to grant statutory immunity to Huma Abedin, Hillary's closest adviser."

Klein, who rarely gets it wrong, notes that such a development would force Abedin to testify under oath, facing perjury charges if she lies.  He also adds that he is "also told that Hillary herself will most likely be forced to testify."

Klein has previously reported that the FBI has notified Hillary's three closest aides, Abedin, Cheryl Mills, and Jake Sullivan, that they will be required to testify.

Klein concludes that these developments indicate that FBI director James Comey is "moving inexorably" toward recommending an indictment of Hillary.

Klein says that his sources say that Attorney General Loretta Lynch would likely duck the decision on indicting Hillary, punting it to a special counsel to give it at least the appearance of nonpartisan impartiality.

Klein, the author of two recent bestselling books that document the rift between the Obamas and the Clintons:Blood Feud and Unlikeable, has demonstrated that his sources run deep into the FBI and the Justice Department.

His report should be taken very, very seriously, not the least by the Democratic Party as it hurtles toward nominating a woman who may either be the object of a special prosecutor investigation or be indicted by the time of the election.

Other actions support Klein's view of an impending Grand Jury: Hillary's IT Guru, Bryan Pagliano, was granted immunity by the Justice Department. Pagliano set up the secret email server kept in the basement of the Clinton's home in Chappaqua and can testify about what he was told about setting it up and who directed him to do it. With the grant of immunity, he will have no choice but to tell all. And, keep in mind, there is no need to grant immunity if no testimony is required.

Stay tuned.

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