Thursday, March 31, 2016

When Those On The Front Lines Endorse A Candidate, One Has To Stop And Consider Their Opinion

These American Heroes Are 

Endorsing Trump

  • 03/31/2016 
  • Source: AAN 
  • by: AAN Staff
 46  28  13  5  0 0
Donald Trump has energized the Republican base with his repeated 
calls for a "yooj wall" to be built on our southern border. Many Americans
 recognize that our continued failure to enforce our immigration laws is 
eating our country alive. Others have seen their lives and property 
destroyed by invading illegal aliens. First among those folks are the 
border patrol agents who bravely patrol the American southwest in
 search of drug dealers and invaders. In what can only be seen as 
the most important endorsement of Trump's immigration policy to 
date, the National Border Patrol Council decided to endorse Trump.
 As Brandon Darby notes:
In an official statement first obtained by Breitbart Texas, the National

Border Patrol Council (NBPC) endorsed Donald Trump for President

of the United States. The unusually bold statement comes just days

after a senior policy adviser for Trump made clear that future U.S.

border security policy would be largely determined by the men and

women of the U.S. Border Patrol who are actual agents protecting

the border and not by politically-appointed bureaucrats in the Border

Patrol or its parent agency, Customs and Border Protection (CBP),

if Trump is elected.

The endorsement is the first-ever in a presidential primary for the NBPC.

The agents’ statement makes clear that Trump’s public pledge to secure

the border by turning to the actual agents in the NBPC is revolutionary

and an opportunity never-before-seen and one that may never be seen

again. They wrote, “Mr. Trump will take on special interest and embrace

the ideas of rank-and-file Border Patrol agents rather than listening to

the management yes-men who say whatever they are programmed to

say. This is a refreshing change that we have not seen before – and

may never see again.”
 Politicians and big business can complain all they want about the 
effectiveness and feasability of Trump's border wall, but it's clear that
 those people on the front lines who fight to keep us safe every day
 have thought about it, and they're endorsing Trump.
 Source: AAN
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