Wednesday, March 23, 2016

Would The Left Go Spastic If Islam Was Banned In The US? How Many Lawsuits Would The ACLU File? Is This The Only Way To Stop Radical Islam?

This Country Banned Islam

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In the wake of the terrorist attack on Brussels, Ted Cruz and Donald Trump 
have both spoken about increasing vigilance towards radical Islam, with 
Trump reiterating calls to limit immigration from Islamic countries and Cruz
 calling for increased policing in Muslim neighborhoods. These are actions 
that a majority of conservatives support, but do they go far enough? 
One country didn't think so. They banned Islam outright:
By popular demand, Angolan authorities have taken pre-emptive action 
and decided to ban the Muslim religion, which they consider a cult,

NOT a religion. They see what Muslims are doing to non-Muslims,

especially in Africa, and are taking steps to prevent the same from

happening in Angola.

In early October 2013, the Muslims living in Luanda in the municipality of

Viana Zango were shocked to see the minaret of their mosque dismantled

into pieces on the ground without permission. On Thursday 03 October

in the morning, the Angolan authorities decided to destroy the mosque

Zango located in the urban district of Viana 17 km.

The governor of Luanda Bento announced in a radio spot that radical

Muslims are not welcome in Angola and the Angolan government is

not ready for the legalization of mosques in Angola.

And on Tuesday, November 19, the Minister of Culture, Rosa Cruz e

Silva said. “Regarding Islam, the legalization process has not been

approved by the Ministry of Justice and Human Rights. Therefore all

mosques would be closed until further notice. “ It should be noted that

the Angolan government has made closing of all mosques a priority.

The only two mosques located in Luanda have already received a

warning document signed by the mayor of the municipality of

Viana José Moreno.

 Source: American Action News
- See more at:

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