Tuesday, April 19, 2016

Another Lesson For Sweden

Muslim Savages Sack Swedish Town

  • 04/15/2016 
  • Source: AAN 
  • by: AAN Staff
 98  38  47  13  0 0
According to RT, more than 60 Muslim refugees were involved in a riot
 in the town of Boden in Northern Sweden.

Reasons for why the fight broke out are unknown at the moment, but it is
thought that 15 refugees were intoxicated with drugs and/or alcohol and
started destroying the very camp that they were housed in. The Swedish
 staff running the camp were forced to flee in the face of such violence,
 until police showed up and took control of the scene.

This is another example of what Muslim refugees, a large number of which
are economic migrants coming for social benefits, have done to Western
 societies in the last few years.

 Source: AAN
- See more at: http://americanactionnews.com/articles/muslim-savages-sack-swedish-town#sthash.fwjKxCmW.dpuf

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