Tuesday, April 5, 2016

Are We Starting To See The "Leave Hillary Alone" Approach To Law Enforcement?

Jill Kelley to Newsmax: FBI Hassled Me But They Won't Touch Hillary

Monday, 04 Apr 2016 04:54 PM
Jill Kelley — whose friendship with Gen. David Petraeus led FBI officials to investigate her background, a probe she says violated her privacy — says she doubts the agency will recommend Hillary Clinton be indicted for using a private email server during her time as secretary of state.

"I don't [think so]. You know why? Only because of one thing … This new director [James Comey] is, I heard, a very good guy, he has bosses and they're the same bosses that did this to Gen. Petraeus and my family," Kelley said Monday on "The Steve Malzberg Show" on Newsmax TV.

"So no I don't believe anything negative is going to happen to Hillary because the FBI bosses, no matter how good his intentions are to bring justice, he still has bosses and they're the same government that did this to my family."
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Kelley, a Florida socialite and former honorary diplomat, is author of the new self-published book, "Collateral Damage: Petraeus/Power/Politics and the Abuse of Power."

She said she was scrutinized by the FBI, then headed by Robert Mueller after she reported receiving threatening emails, later traced to Petraeus' jealous mistress Paula Broadwell. Petraeus resigned as director of the CIA after his extramarital affair was bared.

The FBI is now looking into Clinton's use of a private server as secretary of state, a practice which reportedly led to classified government information being passed in an unsecure manner.
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Breaking News at Newsmax.com http://www.newsmax.com/Newsmax-Tv/jill-kelley-FBI-hillary-david-petraeus/2016/04/04/id/722234/#ixzz44zpaZAIn

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