Thursday, April 28, 2016

Clinton Is Getting Testy--Does That Mean Her People Are Telling Her That She Is Losing?

VIDEO: This Two Letter Word 

Made Hillary Snap on Live TV

  • 04/28/2016 
  • Source: AAN 
  • by: AAN Staff

Is Hillary Clinton going insane?

She was being interviewed on friendly MSNBC by friendly Rachel Maddow
 when the topic turned to whether Bernie Sanders should formally concede 
the fact he’s not going to win the Democrat nomination.

Normally that’d be a question Clinton should be more than happy to answer.

But Maddow used a two-letter word that caused Clinton to fly into a bizarre rant.

The Daily Caller reports:
“That was June 7, 2008 when you got out of the race and endorsed President

Obama,” Maddow said. “June 7, 2016 will be the California primary,

this year. Is that when—if you’re ahead in the vote, if you’re ahead in

pledged delegates—”

But Maddow’s telltale “if” caused her to be cut off by an exasperated


“I am ahead in the vote, Rachel!” Clinton said. “I am way ahead in the vote!

I mean … Now wait a minute. I have the greatest respect for Senator

Sanders. But really, what he and his supporters are now saying just

doesn’t add up. I have 2.7 million more votes than he has. I have

more than 250 more pledged delegates. I’m very proud of the

campaign that we have run and the support we have gotten and of

course we’re gonna work together. I, as I said, I share a lot of the

same goals. We are going to work together. But I am ahead and

let’s start from that premise when we talk about what happens

next, OK?”

Clinton’s energetic outburst won applause from the crowd, and

caused Maddow to give in and rephrase her question to assume

Clinton will be ahead June 7.

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