Monday, April 18, 2016

Diversity Never Works In The Real World

Radical Islam has shown itself to be a deadly force in recent months, with Muslim jihadists carrying out terrorist attacks in Paris, Brussels and San Bernardino. But despite the apparent danger, the Obama administration recently decided to fast-track the resettlement of refugees from Syria, a hotbed of Islamic violence.
Whereas it usually takes 18 to 24 months for the government to process each refugee admission, the administration has now slashed the processing time to three months in an effort to reach its goal of admitting 10,000 Syrian refugees this fiscal year.
Of the 1,366 Syrians already admitted this fiscal year, 99.2 percent are Muslims and only 0.6 percent are Christians.
So what could explain the counter-intuitive rush to settle thousands of Muslims within U.S. borders? William Murray, chairman of the Religious Freedom Coalition, says U.S. leaders are chasing the utopian dream of a diverse society, which is leading to a “Duh! moment.”
Islam and diversity, after all, are incompatible, he points out.
“We have a situation in the United States, particularly with Muslim immigration, in which we have this concept of leveling the society and creating a utopian type of existence by having many people that are diverse and that somehow we’re going to eliminate the selfishness that comes with the Judeo-Christian concept,” Murray told WND.
Murray, who explained utopianism in his most recent book, “Utopian Road to Hell: Enslaving America and the World with Central Planning,” said many leaders on the left have the idea that Christianity is about self-sufficiency and the values associated with capitalism.
Utopians wish to replace capitalism with central planning, so they want to dilute Christianity, according to Murray. One way to do that is by bringing to America tens of thousands of people from non-Christian cultures who don’t share traditional Judeo-Christian values.
In a utopian fantasy, diverse peoples would be able to live together harmoniously under a collectivist state. The problem in the case of Muslim immigrants is that too many of them refuse to assimilate into their new societies.
“The result is actually that you have a festering revolt among both groups,” Murray explained. “You have the Muslims that are moved in that want Shariah law, that do not accept the open society that [the utopians] were supposed to create by bringing them in, and then you also have those that are very resentful of this group being brought in that wants to change their way of life and change their religious faith forcibly.”
Pamela Geller, president of the American Freedom Defense Initiative, said Muslim immigration into Western nations is sure to bring societal upheaval.
“Muslims are the first immigrant group to come with a ready-made model of society and governance that they believe superior to Western secular pluralism,” said Geller, a WND columnist and author of “Stop the Islamization of America.” “They’re determined to replace the one with the other.”
Muslim immigration has been especially disruptive in Europe.
In December the London Mirror reported, “Shariah law is alive and well in the UK.”
The article explained there were roughly 30 “Shariah councils” in the country in which Muslim judges rendered decisions based on Islamic law, with no regard for British laws.
Likewise, vigilante Muslim gangs have been videoed patrolling the streets of London and demanding passersby conform to Shariah.
This is to say nothing of the problems Western women are facing.
“Women can no longer walk alone,” Murray warned. “They can’t feel safe on the streets in many areas of Minneapolis/St. Paul, which is true in Cologne, Germany, now and many of the other cities in Germany and in Sweden, where large numbers of people have been brought in.”
Murray also noted Muslims in Europe have been assaulting homosexuals, another prized identity group of the left.
“We talk about championing gay rights, and yet there are whole sections of London now where the signs are up that say, ‘Shariah enforced. No gays allowed,'” Murray noted. “And apparently nobody has a problem with this.”
Geller thinks Western leaders really do believe Islam is compatible with Western society.
“Yes, I think they do believe it, because they have been told that it is racist and bigoted to believe otherwise,” she said. “On the other hand, they may be working from a Marxist internationalist mindset and simply want to erase all boundaries and divisions among people.”
Shariah is a potential threat in the U.S. as well. WND previously reported a May 2015 poll found more than half of U.S. Muslims would prefer to be ruled by their own Shariah courts instead of the U.S. Constitution.
In short, a society in which large numbers of Muslims live peacefully with non-Muslims is a utopian dream destined to fail, according to Murray.
“The only thing that works with minorities is when you have a large majority that is reasonable and accepting of its minority citizens, like you have with Judeo-Christianity,” Murray asserted. “Whenever you have a situation with Islam, where they’re the majority, you’re not going to have that welcoming or functioning of Christianity.”
“Utopian planners don’t understand that because they refuse to recognize the very nature of humanity itself, which is the key problem for utopianism.”
Or, as Geller put it, “There is no way to assimilate Muslims into Western secular society unless they renounce the aspects of Islam that are incompatible with Western laws and mores.”

Copyright 2016 WND


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