Wednesday, April 27, 2016

Has The Horse Left The Barn? IS Trump Unstoppable?

Pollster Zogby on Cruz-Kasich Alliance: 'Way Too Late'

By Jason Devaney   |   Monday, 25 Apr 2016 06:22 PM
The move by Ted Cruz and John Kasich to join forces in a bid to stop Donald Trump from winning the Republican presidential nomination is "way too late," pollster and author John Zogby tells Newsmax TV.

During an appearance on "Newsmax Prime," Zogby said the move is an "act of desperation" at this point in the campaign cycle.

"Interestingly, the most recent polling shows that Trump and Cruz are actually neck and neck in Indiana and Kasich again is a distant third and so even though it would have made sense on the surface, it wasn't making sense in reality," Zogby said. "But this is really an act of desperation at this point."

. Under the Cruz-Kasich pact, Cruz has stopped campaigning in Oregon and New Mexico to give Kasich room to take on Trump in those primaries scheduled for May 17 and June 7. In return, Cruz will focus on the Indiana primary that is slated for May 3.
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"So for a moment we're playing Monopoly and one player literally has hotels on two-thirds of the properties, one player has a couple of houses here and there on a few properties, and another guy has one house on Mediterranean Avenue and the two latter guys say, come on, let's negotiate now, we can stop this guy with all the hotels. It's way too late," Zogby said.
Presidential historian Craig Shirley also appeared on "Newsmax Prime" and told host J.D. Hayworth this type of thing has happened before.

"In 1980 late in the primaries there was a stop Reagan movement, in 1976 late in the primaries there was a stop Carter movement, in 1968 late in the primaries there was a stop Nixon movement," Shirley said. "So this is not a new phenomenon."
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