Monday, April 18, 2016

Hillary Makes A Big Mistake Sticking A Finger In The FBI's Eye

Hillary Mocks FBI Investigation, Says This Will Never Happen to Her


April 13th, 2016
There’s been no shortage of controversy about whether or not Hillary Clinton will face an indictment for having a private e-mail server handle her online communications when she was Secretary of State. The bigger question is whether she’ll be arrested and put in jail for what appears to be numerous federal crimes that she’s committed.
But Hillary doesn’t seem to be too worried. In fact, she laughed off that possibility during an interview with Matt Lauer of NBC’s Today show, as reported by Western Journalism:
“LAUER: Do you know what I hear a lot? [Republicans] are clinging to the hope that the way they’ll be able to deal with that, is that at some point between now and the election…
“CLINTON: [cackle]
“LAUER: They say this. They say this. That they will get to see Hillary Clinton in handcuffs.
“CLINTON: Oh my goodness!
“LAUER: That there will be some kind of political perp walk based on your private server. 
“CLINTON: That is not going to happen. There is not even the remotest chance that is going to happen. I think it’s – it’s a security review. It is a security review and there are lots of those that are conducted in our government all the time. And you don’t hear about most of them. You’ll hear about this one because it does involve me. So that’s why it gets so much attention.
Judge Andrew Napolitano, Fox News legal analyst, didn’t seem to agree, arguing she’s sending the wrong signals to the FBI.
It is a perfect storm of legal misery for Mrs. ClintonWhat she has done for the umpteenth time in public, sent a dog whistle to the FBI – a signal to the FBI. She forgot they were watching. She knows it’s a criminal investigation. She knows she’s the target of the criminal investigation. She knows the government has an extraordinary amount of resources investigating her and she’s laughing at them. Not a good thing to do.”
Hillary and Bill have been masters of avoiding legal problems in the past. However, her arrogance about the FBI’s investigation seems to be tempting fate.
Do you think Hillary will receive an indictment from the Department of Justice?

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