Wednesday, April 13, 2016

Hillary Might Have Trapped Herself

Fox News Legal Expert Destroys Hillary’s Legal Defense


April 8th, 2016
Fox News spoke with their Senior Judicial Analyst Judge Andrew Napolitano regarding Hillary Clinton’s comments to “Meet the Press” on Sunday.
During the interview, NBC anchor Chuck Todd asks Hillary Clinton if she has been contacted by the FBI for the purpose of conducting an interview.
Clinton has long said that she would be happy to sit down with the FBI and answer any questions they may have for her, certain in her innocence no matter the development.
Judge Napolitano highlights that this public promise from  Hillary is the very thing that could be her undoing. Napolitano points out that, in almost all circumstances, it is a roundly rejected idea for an attorney to allow their client to speak voluntarily with the FBI.
The American Patriot Daily gives Judge Nap’s explanation why:
“The FBI will basically call up her lawyers and say: ‘We have a lot of information we are about to present to a Grand Jury and much of it involves your client. Would you like your client to chat with us?’
“She can say yes or she can say no. It is a very, very difficult choice she doesn’t want to make. She doesn’t want to make the choice because the standard operating procedure if you are a criminal defense lawyer is never, ever, ever let your client talk with the people that are investigating your client.
“That is the mistake Martha Stewart’s lawyers made. She told one lie to one FBI agent, in one conversation and she went to prison.”
Napolitano continues to explain that what Hillary has done with this posturing has put her in political jeopardy. If her lawyers are at all competent, they will strongly urge her to not speak with the FBI about her case. However, this would force Hillary to break her word that she is more than willing to meet with them and vindicate herself of any wrongdoing.
While this could be Hillary’s legal Achilles heel, there’s no guarantee she will face an indictment.
Do you think her arrogance and carelessness could lead to her downfall?

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