Thursday, April 14, 2016

If Trump Gets Elected, Can He Build The Wall Without Congressional Approval And Can It Be Done In Two Years?

Trump Makes Major Statement 

on the Wall

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Republican presidential front-runner Donald Trump said Wednesday
that his proposed wall across the U.S.-Mexico border would be
completed within two years.

"I would say it would be complete within two years from the time
we start, we'll start quickly," Trump told Fox News' Sean Hannity
at a town hall in Pittsburgh, Pa. "We'll start quickly, and it will be a
 real wall. It will be a real wall."

The self-imposed deadline was the most detail Trump has offered
 about his controversial proposal aimed at preventing illegal immigration.
 At one point, the crowd at the Soldiers & Sailors Memorial Hall
 began chanting "Build the wall! Build the wall!"

 Source: Fox News
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