Tuesday, April 19, 2016

Looks Like Trump Is Planning To Run Against Hillary. Too Bad 'Cause The Candidate Will Be Obama

CrookedHillary.com echoes Trump insult for Clinton

Getty Images
A website that echoes Donald Trump's nickname for "crooked Hillary" Clinton was anonymously registered — before Trump began using the insult.
The CrookedHillary.com domain was registered April 4, according to whois information, at least a week before Trump used the phrase during a rally in New York on Saturday. The website indicates it's for sale.
The site includes splashy text over an image of Clinton calling on readers to "prevent" her from winning the White House, describing itself as a "non-profit" group and seeking donations for anti-Clinton signage. 
Trump's attack has apparently inspired at least one other website domain fashioned after his moniker — a man in Ft. Lauderdale, Fla., purchased CrookedHillary.net a day after Trump's rally. 
A website for the domain does not appear to exist, and an inquiry sent to an email address linked to the domain was not immediately returned.
Clinton dismissed Trump's barb during an interview on ABC News on Sunday, saying "I really could care less" about the attack and "I don't respond to Donald Trump and his string of insults about me."
Trump has made a habit of attempting to brand his presidential rivals, often using phrases throughout the GOP race to knock "lyin' Ted Cruz," "low-energy" Jeb Bush and "little Marco" Rubio.

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