Wednesday, April 27, 2016

Trump Hears What Americans Are Thinking

Is This The One Policy Behind 

Trump's Victories?

  • 04/27/2016 
  • Source: AAN 
  • by: AAN Staff
 20  6  7  4  0 0
Donald Trump, in predictable fashion, swept all five states in yesterday's
 I-95 primary, defeating Ted Cruz and John Kasich by a wide margin.
 Why so much success? Exit polls point to one policy:
What was once furious Republican opposition to Donald Trump's proposal

to temporarily ban foreign Muslims from entering the U.S. has turned to

virtual silence in the face of widespread GOP voter approval.

Exit polls from the nation's biggest Republican primaries show impressive

majority support for Trump's proposal. In the latest example, in Pennsylvania

Tuesday, 69 percent of GOP voters said they support "temporarily banning

Muslims who are not U.S. citizens from entering the U.S." In New York

last week, the number was 68 percent.

In Wisconsin, 69 percent supported Trump's idea. In Florida, 64 percent.

Georgia, 68 percent. Ohio, 65 percent. Michigan, 63 percent. New Hampshire,

65 percent. Texas, 67 percent.
This isn't rocket science. Part of what resonates with voters is Trump's ability 
to restate exactly what's on their minds. Millions of Americans are concerned 
about the dangers posed by illegal immigration and the president's casual
 disregard for our laws. Trump refuses to tiptoe when articulating a solution,
 and for millions of voters, that's incredibly refreshing.
- See more at:

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