Friday, April 15, 2016

When The Mad Hatter Allowed Thousands To Invade Germany, These Are The Results

The Enemy Within: Soldiers 

Abandoning This Military For ISIS

  • 04/14/2016 
  • Source: AAN 
  • by: AAN Staff
 90  41  34  13  1 0
This is how nations die. Fox News is reporting that German soldiers are 
betraying theircountry to join ISIS:
An internal German Army report released Monday reveals that 22 soldiers

have joined ISIS in Syria or Iraq in recent years, while 65 active soldiers

are under investigation on suspicion of having Islamist sympathies, The

Local reported.

MAD, the army's military counter-intelligence service, identified the

22 soldiers and has relieved 17 from their duties, the report said.

“Just like other fighting forces, the Bundeswehr (German Army) can be

attractive for Islamists who want to acquire weapons training,”

Hans-Peter Bartels, the Social Democratic Party MP in charge of

oversight of the army, told the website. “But it represents a real

danger that we have to take seriously.”

The International Centre for Counter-Terrorism, The Hague (ICCT)

published a study this month saying that between 720 and 760

Germans are believed to have traveled out of the country to

join ISIS.
Germany is in trouble. A nation that can't assimilate it's immigrants 
won't be a nation for very long, and the hordes of Islamic refugees
 they've let camp out in their country are only going to make matters 
worse. Americans who are open to widespread immigration should
 pay close attention. It can happen here. 

 Source: AAN
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