Tuesday, May 3, 2016

Fairness Is No Longer A Matter When It Comes To Secrets And Hillary.

Why This Marine is Being Prosecuted While Hillary Walks Free

  • 05/03/2016 
  • Source: AAN 
  • by: AAN Staff
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The Clintons have long been the beneficiaries of a double standard when it
 comes to enforcing the law.

But that won’t fly in the Marine Corps.  That’s why one officer is facing stiff
punishment for essentially the same thing Hillary Clinton did.

If she wants to be Commander-In-Chief, perhaps she should agree to the
same punishment being handed down to those she would command.

The Washington Times reports:
A Marine officer fighting dismissal for mishandling classified material on

his computer has filed a complaint in federal court. He charges that Marine

generals unfairly singled him out, citing statistics that show Marines often

wrongly stored classified information and went unpunished.

Marine Reserve Maj. Jason Brezler’s lawsuit does not mention Mrs. Clinton,

whose handling of secrets on her private server as secretary of state is under

FBI investigation.

But legal observers say that if the military can impose harsh punishment on

a war veteran for keeping secrets in the wrong computer, then the FBI, in

fairness, should cast a critical eye on Mrs. Clinton and her stash of

information that the intelligence community says contained top-secret data.
 Source: AAN
- See more at: http://americanactionnews.com/articles/why-this-marine-is-being-prosecuted-while-hillary-walks-free#sthash.bqUHGfGw.dpuf

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