Friday, May 6, 2016

Fighting ISIS Requires A Different Thinking. Can Trump Provide That?

Gen. Michael Flynn: America Facing New 'ism' Enemy With Radical Islam

By Jason Devaney   |   Thursday, 05 May 2016 08:22 PM
America is facing a new "ism" enemy in radical Islam and Donald Trump is half right on how to defeat the group, Gen. Michael Flynn told Newsmax TV Thursday.

Flynn, a former director of the Defense Intelligence Agency, told host J.D. Hayworth on "Newsmax Prime" radical Islam is similar to Nazism and Communism.

"Radical Islam is an ideology that won't go away by simply crushing them on the battlefield," said Flynn, co-author of the forthcoming "The Field of Fight: How We Can Win the Global War Against Radical Islam and Its Allies." "We must face the fact that we are up against an 'ism,' if you will, like we were against Nazism or Communism, and now this is radical Islamism and we must face that. We must clearly define it.

"There's going to be fighting that's going to be required and I think as Donald Trump stated, we can crush them tactically, but strategically we must deal with the ideology that drives this radical form of Islamism and that's what I talk about in my book, as well as some of the allies that support these guys … countries like Iran and North Korea, to name a couple."
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Flynn said he's been advising the Trump campaign on foreign policy and national security matters. He met with the real estate mogul in his Trump Tower office and came away both surprised and impressed.

"I was not sure who I was going to meet when I went in to meet with him and I found somebody who was absolutely open to listening," Flynn said.

"He's an extremely good listener. He asked the right kinds of questions. I believe he was the type of person and he recognized that there are things that he does not know and that he's going to have to learn."
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