Friday, May 6, 2016

How Long Before This Tow Truck Driver Loses His Contracts?

Berned: Tow truck owner tells Sanders fan to ask the government for a lift

A North Carolina tow truck driver caused a stir after he gave a stranded motorist with a bumper full of love for Bernie Sanders a little lesson about how allowing government to destroy the free market could affect every day conveniences.
It was just another Monday when Kenneth Shupe, owner of Shupee Max Towing, was called to tow a car disabled in a minor accident on I-20 near Ashville. But when arrived at the stranded motorist’s location, the situation changed.
Shupe noticed that the car he’d traveled 45 minutes to tow was kitted out with a lot of love for Democratic presidential hopeful Bernie Sanders. That, the tow truck driver said, made him a little uneasy because, “Every business dealing in recent history with a socialist minded person I have not gotten paid.”
So Shupe decided to politely advise the motorist to look elsewhere for a tow. Maybe the government could help, he advised.
“I own this truck. It says, ‘Shupee,’ not ‘freebie.’ Every time I deal with these people I get ‘Berned’ with a ‘e’ — not a ‘u’,” he said.
The motorist, 25 year-old Cassy McWade, told local reporters she was shocked by the man’s refusal to tow her vehicle.
“He goes around back and comes back and says, ‘I can’t tow you,’” she told WHNS-TV. “My first instinct was there must be something wrong with the car, and he says, ‘No, you’re a Bernie supporter.’ And I was like, ‘Wait — really?’ And he says, ‘Yes ma’am,’ and just walks away.”
For Shupe, whose business remains afloat only by virtue of his hard work, not towing the vehicle transcended political discourse and financial risk aversion.
It was a matter of principle.
“Something came over me, I think the Lord came to me, and He just said, ‘Get in the truck and leave,’” Shupe said. “And when I got in my truck, you know, I was so proud, because I felt like I finally drew a line in the sand and stood up for what I believed.”
But as you know, the story didn’t end there.
Shupe is now being attacked online as leftists scramble to label him a bigot (in case you hadn’t already figured, he’s a Trump guy). And the attacks have intensified since the motorist he refused to do business with told reporters that she suffers multiple disabilities— psoriatic arthritis, fibromyalgia, chronic fatigue syndrome and early-stage Crohn’s disease— and should have been helped despite Shupe’s personal beliefs because she had a handicapped placard on display.
Raw Story played that portion of the story up well, reporting that “McWade waited alone for another half hour, terrified that her Crohn’s disease would flare up…”
Shupe told reporters he wasn’t aware of the stranded motorist’s health issues when he refused to tow her car— but he added that the knowledge wouldn’t have changed much.
“Had she been disabled, would I have towed her car? No ma’am,” Shupe said. “I would have pulled forward and sat there with her to make sure she was okay until another wrecker service showed up to get her home safely, but I still would not have towed her car.”
Moral of the story: If you’re willing to support insane social, political and economic ideas, then you’d better be willing to cope with the inconvenience they foment.

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