Thursday, May 12, 2016

ISIS Is Making A Second Home Here In US. Are You Ready For Their Attack--It's Coming

Is ISIS Operating in Your Home State?

At least 75 homegrown violent extremists were found to be operating 
across the United States in 2015, with the largest portion of these 

individuals pledging allegiance to the ISIS terror group, according to 
recent figurespublished by New Jersey’s Office of Homeland Security
 and Preparedness.

The largest number of homegrown extremists were caught providing 
material support to various terror organizations, while at least 21 
percent of the terrorists were found to be planning attacks in the
 United States, according to the figures.

Another 10 percent successfully carried out terror attacks in California,
 New York, Tennessee, and Massachusetts, according to the data, which 
shows that the New York City area was home to the largest number of
 violent extremists.
- See more at:

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