Monday, May 16, 2016

This Is Going To Be A Very Expensive And Dirty Campaign.

Pro-Clinton Super PAC to Unleash New Ad Campaign Targeting Trump

Image: Pro-Clinton Super PAC to Unleash New Ad Campaign Targeting Trump(Getty Images)
By Mark Swanson   |   Monday, 16 May 2016 09:46 AM
Donald Trump is now in the crosshairs of Hillary Clinton's super PAC.

Priorities USA will target Trump in four key general election battleground states with a $6 million ad buy that starts Wednesday, CNN reports.
"Donald Trump is a divisive, dangerous, con man who should never be President of the United States," Justin Barasky, spokesman for the super PAC, told CNN.
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Though there is no word on the tone and message of the new ad campaign, the target audience is Republicans who might be turned off by Trump in Ohio, Florida, Nevada, and Virginia.

Priorities already has $130 million committed to a TV ad buy that begins June 8, but this week's campaign, which runs up to the Democratic primaries in New Jersey and California, are also designed to help Clinton's pivot away from primary challenger Bernie Sanders.
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