Monday, May 23, 2016

Unless You Remember History, You Are Bound To Repeat It.

History: Not for the weak of heart

I haven’t completely lost faith, confidence and trust in our politicians, bureaucrats or the system that puts them in office, but it is slipping. Our problems are not just the wholesale pandering of our CEO, B. Hussein Obama, to the interests of the international Muslim and Mexican mafias. Not just the inability of the (calling like I see it) next CEO, Bill’s Girl Clinton, to shake her small town greed. Our problems begin just above the local level with bought-and-sold “leaders” who refuse to act in the interest of America and its citizens.
Bill’s Girl has acknowledged taking millions from New York financiers for “speaking fees.” She explained, through various logical contortions, that her voice helped heal wounds from the 9/11 (Muslim) attacks. All of which presumes that Bill’s Girl has an original thought, one that anyone in his or her right mind would pay to hear. The money is simply private graft, payments for favors when she becomes America’s next CEO. Why, taking millions from the firms who nearly destroyed America just eight years ago was really a humanitarian gesture!
This is the same Bill’s Girl whose husband, as CEO of America, abandoned the people of Somalia. Abandoned the people of Haiti. Abandoned the people of Rwanda. Abandoned Arkansas. Abandoned the principled citizens of America.
So where, you might ask, did CEO Bill intervene with power (other than the pants of girlfriends)? To save Bosnian Muslims from Serbian Christians.
At nearly the same time, Assistant CEO John Kerry (a Yaley who married Heinz ketchup) said the war in Syria was the worst human disaster since World War II, proving he knows nothing about history. Nothing about the million who died in Vietnam; the millions murdered in Cambodia, Rwanda and the Soviet Union; the hundreds of thousands slaughtered in Mexico, Colombia, East Timor, Sierra Leone, Brazil and Guatemala; the additional hundreds of thousands tortured to death in Nigeria, Liberia, Ethiopia and Somalia. It suggests that he cannot imagine what is actually happening in any Muslim nation not ruled by an iron fist with a great PR machine. That being a pampered, self-centered Yale snot (and liar about his Vietnam experience) just isn’t enough.
The above politicians have never quite grown into a sense of their place in history. Hence, they exaggerate their importance, the inevitability of their personal ideas, their righteous self-worth. And that’s why concealed carry is a good start… but is no longer enough.
Spanish writer and philosopher George Santayana wrote, “Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it.”
History recommends that I have extra boxes of .40 S&W for my Walther PPS and history is why I have begun shopping for a rifle. When the ultimate riots come to Atlanta, Los Angeles, Dallas and Minneapolis and spread outward in concentric circles into my neighborhood, I plan to be prepared. When the Muslim Mafia or Mexican drug gangs sneak through the alleyways, the .40 should be protection… if Bill’s Girl has not co-opted the police and National Guard into her crusade to ruin the American promise. But in the streets of my neighborhood, in the adjacent woods and fields, the rifle will be the more effective tool.
The ideal rifle might be a carbine chambered in .40 so that I need not carry two kinds of ammo. Kel-Tec’s SUB-2000, for example, is a compact 4-pound rifle chambered in either 9mm Luger or .40 S&W. I’ll have to experiment to see if it takes the Walther magazine (I’m thinking it doesn’t.), but it does take some Glock, S&W, Beretta, and SIG Sauer magazines. The SUB-2000 has a foldable 16-inch barrel, push-bolt safety and aperture sight adjustable for windage and elevation. And it’s only about $500, which is a lot of outreach — accuracy at 3-4 times that of a pistol — for a very reasonable price.
On the other hand, a rifle in popular .223 will give me much better down-the-avenue ballistics, greater striking power at distance, because I would rather take on kaffiyeh-wearing thugs at sniper range than the up close and personal distance of a .40 S&W cartridge.
Understand history or repeat it. Because I have a knowledge of history, I’m shopping for a rifle to support my concealed carry pistol. A rifle to reach out, perhaps in the same caliber, because it gives me greater accuracy within the distances I can reliably shoot in the neighborhood when the gang of turbaned Obama-Clinton thugs comes calling.
Our political elites preach that we, the common people, are clinging to God and guns for dear life. They call us, variously, racists, ignorant rednecks, reactionary hillbillies, right wing extremists and worse. They no longer represent us, although they continue to levy taxes. We have seen our government evolve into a macabre, threatening machine that mocks our values, our sense of a free and dynamic society, our vision of liberty. And that’s why I’m buying a rifle to support my handgun, because I’m not a conspiracy theorist. I’m a historian.

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