Friday, May 13, 2016

With ISIS, Potential EMP Attack And Other Issues Why Is Obama So Tied To The Transgender Bathroom Controversy? Aren't There Bigger Fish To Fry? Or Does This Explain Rumors Of Michelle Being A Man?

More thuggishness from the Obama thugocracy

On Monday, Attorney General Lorretta Lynch announced she was suing the state of North Carolina and various related people and entities over the state’s HB2 bathroom bill. She also threatened to withhold federal funds “to the North Carolina Department of Public Safety and the University of North Carolina as this case proceeds.” This comes on the heels of President Barack Obama’s threat to withhold federal aid for state schools, highways and housing.
This is a clear bullying tactic aimed at pressing the Obama regime’s perversion enabling (and perverse) agenda on the people of North Carolina who have rejected it through their elected representatives. Thuggish behavior is Obama’s modus operandi.
North Carolina should immediately cease forwarding income and other tax funds “owed” to the federal government and instead direct them into an escrow account. It could then turn around and distribute those funds to various state agencies that have come to depend upon them.
States long ago surrendered their sovereignty to the federal leviathan when they began accepting federal funds with conditions. Of course, the war of Northern Aggression, also fought over a possible loss of revenue to the federal beast, didn’t help.
But the 10th Amendment is still valid. It has not been repealed, just quashed. It’s time for states to join North Carolina over its fight with the feds. It’s time for states to take their power back.
Under the Constitution the Founder’s gave us, the feds have no say in the internal workings of the various states. Apathy, sloth and overwhelming force of the Union Army has not changed the fact that Constitution is designed as a chain on the federal government, not the people or the states.
Of course, secession is always an option. And it’s becoming increasingly palatable out here in the hinterlands. Texas is leading the way.
That’s probably no coincidence. Texas has also felt the Obama regime’s boot on its neck, as have the states of Oklahoma, Montana, Tennessee, Rhode Island Alabama and Arizona. Back in 2011, Texas politicians sought to stand up for the rights of Texas citizens and criminalize any searches and seizures conducted without probable cause. The bill came on the heels of a litany of abuses by TSA agents at airports, where travelers — including children and infants — were subjected to humiliating and intrusive pat downs.
So a U.S. Attorney threatened to make Texas a no-fly zone, cowing politicians into pulling the bill.
In April 2009, an assistant attorney general threatened to withhold Federal funds if Oklahoma amended its State Constitution to make English the official language of the State. Also in 2009, similar letters were sent to both Montana and Tennessee threatening over their Firearms Freedom acts. And in April 2011, Governor Lincoln Chafee of Rhode Island received a letter from the Justice Department threatening the State over its medical marijuana legislation.
Arizona and Alabama were sued by the Obama (in)Justice Department over their immigration bills.
And I’d be remiss here if I didn’t heap praises on Alabama Supreme Court Chief Justice Roy Moore, who once again has taken a stance against the federal government, and once again been suspended for doing so.
He instructed county probate judges to not issue marriage licenses to sodomites because the Supreme Court Obergfell ruling is in opposition to Alabama law – passed overwhelming by Alabamians – prohibiting gay marriage.
Update, 9:30 a.m., May 13: Now the Obama thugocracy issending a letter to every school system in the nation threatening lawsuits and withholding of funds if they don’t bow down and worship at the alter of the transgender goon squad.

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