Sunday, June 5, 2016

If Liberals Want To Lose This Election, They Should Keep Fighting With Trump Supporters

Gingrich: Protests Will 'Enrage' General Election Voters

(Getty Images)
Sunday, 05 Jun 2016 12:18 PM
Voters will become "enraged" if violent anti-Donald Trump protests continue through the general election campaign, former Speaker Newt Gingrich warned Sunday.

In an interview with "Fox News Sunday," Gingrich called out protesters involved in the disruptions.
His remarks begin about the 9:24-minute mark.

"When people see the American flag being burned, they don't side with the people burning the American flag," he said.

"This is 1968 all over again. This is the hard left saying if you don't do what we want, we're going to be physically violent. I think the American people will be repulsed by the idea that the hard left gets to dictate to the rest of us."

The violence, he predicted, riles Americans, and "the country will become enraged" if the anti-Trump protests continue into the convention and into the fall.
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"Donald Trump is serious about change in Washington."
The latest eruption occurred during a a rally in San Jose, Calif., where fights broke out between Trump supporters and protesters.

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