Wednesday, June 1, 2016

Is A Third Party Run A Fools Errand? Kristol Does Not Believe So, Is He A Fool?

BREAKING: Establishment Pick to 

Challenge Trump Revealed

  • 05/31/2016 
  • Source: Bloomberg 
  • by: Mark Halperin and John Heilemann
26 14 5  82
Two Republicans intimately familiar with Bill Kristol’s efforts to recruit an 
independent presidential candidate to challenge Donald Trump and Hillary
 Clinton have told Bloomberg Politics that the person Kristol has in mind is 
David French -- whose name the editor of the Weekly Standard floated in
 the current issue of the magazine.

French is a veteran of Operation Iraqi Freedom. According to the website 
of National Review, where French is a staff writer, he is a constitutional lawyer, 
a recipient of the Bronze Star, and an author of several books who lives in
 Columbia, Tenn., with his wife Nancy and three children.

Reached in Israel late Tuesday afternoon, Kristol declined to comment on
 his efforts to induce French to run. The two Republicans confirmed that
 French is open to launching a bid, but that he has not made a final decision.
 One of the Republicans added that French has not lined up a vice-presidential 
running mate or significant financial support. However, according to this person,
 some conservative donors look favorably on the prospect of French entering 
the fray.

In Kristol’s piece in the Standard’s June 6 issue, he argued that “the fact of 
Trump's and Clinton's unfitness for the Oval Office has become so self-evident
 that it's no longer clear one needs a famous figure to provide an alternative.”
 After mentioning Mitt Romney and other possibilities such as Judd Gregg and 
Mel Martinez, Kristol invoked French’s name and résumé, writing, “To say that 
he would be a better and a more responsible president than Hillary Clinton or
 Donald Trump is to state a truth that would become self-evident as more
 Americans got to know him.”
 Source: Bloomberg
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