Wednesday, June 8, 2016

La Raza Group Tied To Judge In Trump University Trial. Should He Recuse Himself?

Obama Appointed 

Judge Gonzalo Curiel 

Tied to 'La Raza' 

Group in San Diego

Justin Holcomb
Posted: Jun 07, 2016 2:45 PM
Obama Appointed Judge Gonzalo Curiel Tied to 'La Raza' Group in San Diego
The federal judge appointed
 by Barack Obama presiding
 over the class-action lawsuit 
against Trump University is a 
member of the San Diego
 La Raza Lawyers Association, a latino group that translates 
to "The Race."
According to a 2014 Annual Dinner and Gala brochure, Judge
 Gonzalo Curiel was listed as a member of the Scholarship 
Selection Committee.  In the same brochure, the plaintiff law
 firm, Robbins Geller Rudman & Dowd LLP, were listed as 
sponsors for the event.
While there is no discrepancy for a judge to be involved with 
a local law association and no proof that Curiel is tied to any 
radical pro-immigration groups, is it not odd that a judge from
 a pro-latino group has been appointed in a case with Donald 
Trump involving millions of dollars?
Former Attorney General Alberto Gonzales says Donald Trump
 has a right to question the fairness of a judge.
“An independent judiciary is extremely important. But that value 
is not the only one in play here,” Gonzales wrote in a Saturday 
op-ed for The Washington Post.  "Equally important, if not more
 important from my perspective as a former judge and U.S. attorney
 general, is a litigant’s right to a fair trial,” he continued.
In 2001, Supreme Court Justice Sonya Sotomayor said that she 
hopes that Latin and white judges would come to different 
conclusions in cases.
“I would hope that a wise Latina woman with the richness of 
her experiences would more often than not reach a better 
conclusion than a white male who hasn’t lived that life,” she said
 in a speech.  
Many critics believe that Trump, who accuses Curiel of bias,
 is simply trying to win the case for business reasons and is 
showing signs of racism.  
However, Trump has been making his case for years now, 
before he even announced his candidacy.  In 2014, Trump's 
legal team said that they planned to appeal any decisions by 
Curiel because of "animosity toward Mr. Trump and his views."
"It's a disgusting waste of the taxpayers' money to advance the 
political interests of the attorney general," Alan Garten, the Trump 
Organization's executive vice president and general counsel said
 in 2014.
The facts are that judges have leniency and rightfully so. 
 Mandatory decisions and robotic judges lead to dangerous 
and troublesome government systems.   And while no proof 
has come forward that Curiel has done anything illegal in the 
Trump University case, he still has the power to deny motions 
and fatigue Trump's legal team into compliance with his measures. 
 Is it not legal for Trump to challenge a thoughtful proposition? 
 Or should he just lie down and pay the plaintiff?  Should Trump
 change his mentality because of establishment pressure? 
 After all, Speaker Ryan condemned Trump's questioning of
 Curiel deeming it a "textbook definition of a racist comment."
This represents one the fundamental problems with our country. 
 When someone speaks out for what they believe or fights the 
government machine, they are then slammed by the media and 
establishment to apologize and admit racist guilt. 

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