Friday, June 10, 2016

Muslim Cleric Reveals ISIS Is Only Following Koran.

Adel Kalbani  01

TOP Muslim Cleric Says 


As Congress contemplates passing a bill making the government release information that might show top officials in the Saudi Arabian regime orchestrating the 9/11 attack, it’s important to note what Saudis believe about Islamism.
Here’s one of the more alarming quotes from a top cleric in Saudi Arabia about ISIS:
In the interview, Adel Kalbani admits that the basic theology animating ISIS is the SAME as that of 
mainstream Islam in Saudi Arabia!!
Even more alarming is the fact that Adel is no regular Imam, but was formerly head of the Grand
 Mosque at one of Islam’s holiest sites in Mecca.
Liberals will tell you that the vast majority of Muslims have nothing to do with the extremism of
 ISIS – perhaps they need to have a chat with Adel Kalbani about the Koran?

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