Wednesday, June 1, 2016

Trump Will Make Inroads In The Hispanic Community. He Probably Will Get More Votes Than Mitt Did

Watch these Latinos destroy the Hispanic anti-Trump narrative

If you listen to the mainstream media, you probably believe every Latino in the United States loathes presumptive Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump. But according to the folks in this video, the situation is much different.
The video, making its way around the internet thanks to the #Latinos4Trump social media campaign, features Hispanic Americans vowing to reject the Democratic Party’s lies that strong border policy is racist.
“My name is Angelo Gomez and I have something very clear to say to the liberal media and Hillary Clinton: Yes, I’m an American Latino who supports Donald Trump,” says the first man featured in the video.
“Yes, I come from a family rooted in immigrants and I support Donald J. Trump to be the next president of the United States,” he continues. “I support Donald Trump with every ounce of my being for the very reasons that this country, that the Constitution, that this flag behind me was founded upon and that’s putting the American people first. That’s putting this country first.”
From there, the video shows Latino voters at Trump rallies throughout the nation in addition to personal messages of support from Hispanic Trump supporters. Many of the people featured in the video cite Trump’s America first policy as the main reason for their support.
“We all support Donald Trump because he understands that the most patriotic Americans are immigrants who came here not for what they could get here, but who they could be here,” one woman explains.
Trump’s tough immigration talk isn’t just endearing him to immigrants who took the proper steps to attain U.S. citizenship. The GOP candidate is also reportedly encouraging a growing number of illegal immigrants in the U.S. to become citizens.
As The Washington Post reported late last month:
Applications for U.S. citizenship soared in the first three months of the year compared with 2015, appearing to confirm the predictions of several Democratic-leaning groups that the numbers would climb in response to the presidential campaign of Republican Donald Trump.
If the trends continue, activists now expect there to be nearly 1 million new citizens this year — roughly 200,000 more than the average in most years. That uptick would be just the latest signal of how Trump’s campaign has fundamentally reshaped the American electorate.
Figures released this week by U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services show 249,730 new citizenship applications were submitted from January to March, a 28 percent jump from last year and a 34 percent increase from last quarter.
Trump’s polling numbers are still pretty low among U.S. Hispanic voters— recent numbers from Fox News show him at just 23 percent support among the bloc. But the Trump campaign hopes a continued focus on outreach to Latino voters and an emphasis on job creation that will benefit legal immigrants will strengthen his standing among the voters.

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